You guys know my uterus ate an IUD, right? When Doc tried to remove it, it BROKE, which apparently “never” happens, and so I had to go under…
You’ve heard of bento boxes, right? Artistic lunch creations made by mothers who love their children more than the rest of us? They are artfully-crafted edible masterpieces usually…
I went this morning to get my Paragard IUD removed because a few weeks ago I stumbled across this I-Hate-Paragard website where all these ladies were bashing Paragard…
I was super excited that Hot Mess Mom and Scary Mommy were going to be featuring me in a video they were making. They wanted me to be…
A dream… We were fleeing from a low-flying space-craft. We were backed into a place without an exit, a parking-garage type structure, with no place to go but…
Have you ever hung out with someone for a few hours and afterward you find yourself running on “empty?” And the thought of ever seeing another human being…