Early today I told my writing partner, who also happens to be a shrink, that I think I might be manic, and she was like, “OMG, shut up, you’re not…

Early today I told my writing partner, who also happens to be a shrink, that I think I might be manic, and she was like, “OMG, shut up, you’re not…
Sometimes I think I don’t love my kids enough. For example, last night my 10-year-old son Lucas wanted me to help him with his Halloween costume. I very…
UPDATE: GIVEAWAY IS OVER! Time for the easiest giveaway EVER with six awesome books up for grabs — from my shelf to yours — plus a signed print…
Remember how, when you were a kid, grownups seemed like they had life completely figured out? My mom in particular—she came off like an adulthood ninja. She was…
Is it possible for me to sit here and barf up some words really fast, just let a bunch of shit gush right out of my brain and onto my keyboard, without…
My grandmother was short, chubby and meek. She had a squeaky voice like the little grandma in Tweety Bird cartoons and her favorite things to do were watch…