I’m just going to come out and say it; I’m glad I’m not a woman. From what I see, being a woman kind of sucks.

Now hold on. Before you start flinging flaming bras at me and getting all Gloria Steinem on the horn, hear me out.

I love women. Wait, let me rephrase that, I love A woman – my wife. But I think the rest of you ladies are pretty cool too. I just would never want to BE a woman. You ladies have it rough. If it’s not the constant misogyny still rampant in society, or getting paid 25% less than men for the same work, then it’s the bullshit beauty standards placed on you by magazines, advertisers and the fashion industry.

So now that I’ve got you back on my side, torches extinguished and calls to Gloria disconnected, let me tell you the main reason why I’m glad I’m not a woman…the vagina.

That’s right, the lady garden. The area 8 inches below your belly button (give or take, I’m horrible at math). The place we all spend 9 months trying to get out of, and for a lot of men, the rest of our lives trying to get back into.

Look, vaginas are a thing of beauty. They really are. I mean, just think about it: a woman takes her pants off and it’s like the gates to some mystical landscape are opening. You half expect a harp to be playing and two of those creepy baby angels to come flying out welcoming you to the land of enchantment. The same can’t be said for the penis. That zipper comes down and it looks closer to a drunk frat boy and his two friends stumbling out of of a taxi at the end of a long night partying, flopping face first on the pavement.

But you know, with that lack of beauty comes simplicity. That’s right, there is little-to-no penis upkeep needed. However, like any prized garden, the vagina requires a ton of maintenance. So much so, it makes my head spin.

It’s high time my fellow brethren understand exactly how easy we have it. Maintaining the tunnel of love is hard work. But most of all, men need to understand the extreme lengths you ladies are willing to go in order to keep your lady-bit resembling a garden instead of the Everglade swamps.

In order to get an expert opinion to quote for this post, I went to the resident expert in the Preach House on all thing vagina; the Wife. Here is how the conversation went.

Me: Hey babe, can I interview you for my blog about vaginas and upkeep?

Wife: Hell no! I have to live that shit. You think I want to talk about it so you can get some yuk-yuks on your blog? You’re on your own. Go Google that shit.

So, that went well. Seeing that I needed about 1000 more words for this damn post, I set off on my own and did my own research, and let me tell you, it wasn’t pretty. I present to you an explanation (of sorts) of vaginal maintenance and beautification, as translated by a dude.

Let’s start with the ole #1 on the list of lack of empathy/understanding – monthly menstruation, aka Aunt Flow, Code Red, Flying the Japanese Flag, The Red Roof Inn, Leak Week, or just the plain ole period.

Monthly Period – Ruining punctuation since the beginning of time

We men are totally guilty of not being as understanding as we could be for this monthly occurrence. Even the most progressive man has, at least once in his life, looked at a woman who was angry and thought, “Jeez, must be that time of the month.” Or heard about the pain women go through and simply brushed it off in his mind.

Preparing to receive hate mail from droves of men claiming they are so supportive that they too feel the monthly pain in 3….2….1….let me stop you right there and call BULLSHIT!

Cramps – You can’t walk this shit off, dude

Remember when you were a kid and got beaned during a little league game and your coach told you to walk it off and rub dirt on it? Yeah, it’s nothing like that – it’s actually worse. Even in all my unattractiveness, I dated a couple other women pre-Wife, so I’ve seen plenty of women experience cramps for quite some time. And they were always different; no two seemed the same. Kind of like their own red snowflake. They seemed to range from mild irritation to OH MY GOD HIT ME IN THE BACK OF THE HEAD WITH A BASEBALL BAT, and I highly doubt rubbing dirt on the vajay would help this situation either.

Tampons vs. Pads – You stick what, where?!?

There are many options for women to contain their fluid loss, but the most popular options are the tampon and the pad. Put yourself in your lady’s shoes for a second. Just imagine, your only two options for containing a constantly leaking dong is to shove a piece of plastic up your pee-hole only to leave a wad of cotton attached to a string, OR stuffing your drawers with a product that probably feels like having a gym sock folded in half and shoved in your jockeys all day, cradling your coin purse in all that leakage. Plus, because periods can sneak up on ladies like little red ninjas, women have to carry a drugstore amount of these items in their purse just in case shit gets real while out in public. But, as bad as tampons and pads sound, there are options that are way worse.

The Menstrual Cup – It sure ain’t no dixie cup, and it ain’t no water cup neither!

It seems the green initiative has reached vagina status now. The menstrual cup is exactly what is sounds like. It’s a cup, that goes all up in the lady dugout, not to be confused with the male cup that protects the bat and balls from the outside. Another plastic device, that is……(twinge) inserted…..up…in…there, and removed when needed. Kind of gives a whole new meaning to the trem “my cup runneth over.” I threw up in my mouth a little writing that last part.

Douching – Not just the official language of New Jersey

Do I really need to cover this? Don’t we all already KNOW what douching consists of? sigh……alright, fine. Look, from what I’ve been told the vagina, while an awesome place, is a goddamn walking bacteria factory, and sometimes that shit needs a power wash. Ok, there, I said it! However, the one thing I am still confused on is why the scent you ladies are going for is *summer’s eve*. I really think the hygiene industry is missing out on a real opportunity here, why not come out with different *flavors* if you will. Why not bacon? Just imagine how much attention your man would be giving you if your lady bits were sponsored by Oscar Mayer. You think he wants it bad now, just wait.

Vaginal Beautification – Lets spruce the old place up a little

Look ladies, I want to be the first to tell you how much I appreciate the effort you put in to maintain and *upgrading* your sexy spot, but seriously, it’s too much. I know, I know, you might be saying, “I do this for my man. It keeps things fresh in the bedroom.” Listen, I’m going to let you in on a little secret….it doesn’t fucking matter. You offer it, we’re coming for it, no matter what it looks like. I mean, just look at chicks from the 70’s-era adult movies. They looked like they had Buckwheat from the Little Rascals in MMA-style triangle hold, and men were still knocking down the doors to get at it. So waxing and all that other shit, get out of here with that. I’m afraid when myzipper gets too close to my junk, let alone letting someone with hot wax come at me.

And finally…..

Steam Cleaning the Vagina – Easy on the starch there, buddy

Recently the world was graced with advice from faux-British asshole, Gwyneth Paltrow, that ladies should be *steam cleaning* their vaginas. No bullshit. Wow, I don’t even have a vagina and I want you to shut up. Seriously, this is the length some women will go to? What’s next, you gonna figure out a way to iron the ole meat curtains to keep everything clean and crisp? Excuse me if I don’t take someone seriously who A) named their kid after a piece of fruit, and B) named their website GOOP. GOOP?!? Even the name of your site sounds like your vagina is broken and has some major malfunctions. Why not just be real and name it Crotch-Snot.com? At least you’d get a little laugh out of me.

Papa Does PreachMike wrote this post because he lost a bet against Ashley from The Malleable Mom. He is a married father of one crazy, funny, over-the-top, beautiful toddler son. Life-long story-teller with a love for writing. Creator and lead writer at PapaDoesPreach.com. Currently still stuck in a 9-5 job, but inching closer to his dream of being a writer when he grows up, one blog post at a time. Born and raised in San Diego, CA, but now resides in Alexandria, VA. Connect with him on Facebook and onTwitter.


  1. Yes, but did you know that you’re not ACTUALLY supposed to use a douche? That’s advertising companies at their worst, capitalizing on the fact that westerners and North Americans are far too hygienic and wash themselves far more often than they’re supposed to (that’s another post for another day).
    The lady garden is an eco system and, much like a self cleaning oven … the uh … lady garden self cleans … itself…
    By using a douche you upset the fragile balance of the lady jungle and can cause the jungle to start overproducing normal bacteria and then your ph balances are off, and it’s just ugly. No one wants an imbalanced jungle.

    As for the cups, it’s actually a far better method for fluid loss. Tampons have been bleached and can also upset the normal bacterias found in the jungle. Imagine sticking a cotton swab that was bleached into your pee hole. While it’s not going to hurt, it does have the potential to cause damage. Not to mention Toxic Shock Syndrome, which every lady knows about since we’re bored in the bathroom and have read the tampon box insert repeatedly, much like the cereal box was our reading material at breakfast time.
    Pads do feel like folded socks. Agreed. They’re also bad for you because the absorbent found inside the pads are also bad for the lips. Ahem. Those manmade pads can and do cause chafing and irritation and, since we wear these things EVERY month, it’s a chafing and irritation that never goes away. Many women have taken to buying reusable pads with a reusable natural cotton insert for absorbing the fluids. Those are taken out, washed, hung in the sun.

  2. I, for one, am glad you lost that bet. HILARIOUS! Lady bits sponsored by Oscar Mayer. Dying laughing (a much needed laugh). Thank you!