The song two-year-old Mari composed ON THE SPOT while playing with stickers:

I did not know my own story because I’m not your mommy.
I didn’t, I didn’t, I didn’t, I do, I do, I do, but I do not, ‘cause I do, yes, ‘cause I do not, I do nooooot…
Whoooooo doesn’t know?
Who does know? I do not know. Because I am your big monster.
Where is my sister? Because I do not have a sister…
Where is it? I need it! I need it! I need it! I need it! I need it! I need it! I need it!
I doooo not! That’s why you do!
I dooo… YES!
Nobody wants to do something, because I have a moon and I can jump over the moon. Yes, I could do… juuuump over the moon-ie, moonie, mooonie, I to you.
Ohhh…. I….
I dooo not… knowwwwww.


  1. I think she’s telling you she wants a sister. Lol! Ava still makes up songs, only now she.writes them in her diary. I used to do this too. I would sing a song tp my dad at bedtime instead of the other way around. Lol

  2. Stopping by from the Blog Hop. So cute! My kiddos make up songs too. My favorite was about an apple. It’s great to hear their stream of consciousness 🙂