If you are unaware of what an impatient, irritable freak show I am, well, then… In fact, this is probably the first post you’ve ever read. Hi.…
The Two Words You Should Never Say To Your Kids, But I Say Them Anyway
Get ready to be furiously opposed to everything you’re about to read, or to nod your head so hard it falls off your neck.…
Top 10 Reasons I’m NOT Ready for Back to School
I think I speak for all of us when I say our kids have been driving us INSANE all summer! HALLELUJAH AND HEAVEN ON…
On Loving My ADHD Son
Once, after I’d posted one of my lengthy vents about Lucas’ ADHD, a commenter suggested I write a post about the things I love about…

How My Perception of Noise Changed After I Had a Baby
I remember vividly how, as a freshman in high school, I was overcome with awe the first time I walked into a school pep rally. It…
Bento Boxes: WTF do they do with the Crusts?
You’ve heard of bento boxes, right? Artistic lunch creations made by mothers who love their children more than the rest of us? They are…
Terrifying Things All Kids Say
My two favorite things about living in a two-story house are: 1) We can have company over till the wee hours of the morning and…
Why I’m Thankful to be a Stay-at-Home Mom
I wrote the following post last June, and never published it. I felt like it was too whiney. But reading it again now, I…

Losing My Shiz – ADHD and Me, Part Two
You know that phrase that’s been going around lately, “lose my shiz”? It’s a nice way to say “go ape-shit on someone’s ass” without…

ADHD and Me, Part One
It started in preschool when Lucas was two. Notes coming home saying things like, “Please talk to Lucas about listening and staying in his…